Volunteer to Serve Seniors in Your Community
Here at South Park Senior Citizens, we’re seeking volunteers to assist with our dinner program each Mon/Wed/Fri for 60+ local Seniors each evening. We provide culturally relevant meals and activities for the diverse community we serve. We need your help in the dining room for the service of meals for two hours each evening.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out and submit the form below. Aurora, our Engagement & Programs Manager, will be in touch with you to schedule a time to discuss volunteer opportunities. If you do not see a message from Aurora within 24 hours of sending the form, please check your spam folder or call her directly at 206-909-0346.
Also SPSC is growing our Board of Directors! If you have a passion for community leadership, and are interested in learning more about Board service opportunities, please contact Katherine Jordan, our Executive Director, directly at Katherine@spseniors.org.
Board Role Description
If you have further questions, please contact Aurora at Aurora@spseniors.org, or call her at 206-909-0346 or Insta: @wa.spsc