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Dinner: Corned Beef

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight's Dinner: Corned Beef Potatoes, Cabbage and Carrots Salad, Fruit English: Corned beef is a brine preserved tough cut of beef that is served with cabbage, potatoes, and carrots on St. Patrick's day. Khmer:សាច់គោ​ពោត​គឺជា​សាច់គោ​ដែល​កាត់​យ៉ាង​ស្វិត​ស្វាញ​ដែល​ត្រូវបាន​បម្រើ​ជាមួយ​ស្ពៃក្តោប ដំឡូង និង​ការ៉ុត​នៅ​ថ្ងៃ St. Patrick ។ Spanish: La carne … Read More

Dinner: Hu Tieu Mi

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight's Dinner: Hu Tieu Mi Roast pork and ground pork Garlic, chive, & bean sprouts Salad, Fruit English: Hu Tieu was developed in South Vietnam during the 1950s. In Saigon, it is easy to find noodle shops on the street or … Read More

Dinner: Buffalo Chicken

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight's Dinner: Buffalo Chicken Twice-Baked Potatoes Vegetables, Salad, Fruit English: Buffalo chicken is not named for the American bison of the Great Plains. Rather this chicken, with its spicy vinegar-based coating and creamy dipping sauce is named for Buffalo, NY. Tonight we've combined … Read More

Cultural Dance—Shining Night Dancing

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Every Monday, 6:00-8:00pm - seating is limited, reservations required - contact Charles at, or call him at 206-909-0346 You must be fully vaccinated, including at least one booster shot, and you must show proof of your vaccination.

Dinner: Pork Meatball Saltimbocca over Pasta

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight's Dinner: Pork Meatball Saltimbocca over Pasta Vegetables, Salad, Fruit English: Saltimbocca. Translated from Italian, it means "jumps in the mouth." The flavors include the Italian ham, prosciutto, fresh sage leaves, a silky pan sauce with a light lemony finish. Khmer: សាល់ទីមបូកា។ បកប្រែពីភាសាអ៊ីតាលីមានន័យថា … Read More

Dinner: Mi Xao Ga

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight's Dinner: Mi Xao Ga Fried chicken noodles Carrot, onion, & green bell pepper Salad, Fruit English: The origin of fried noodles is said to have originated in China. The oldest mentioned noodle dish was first found in China at an … Read More

Dinner: Pork with Ginger & Scallions

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight's Dinner: Pork with Ginger & Scallions Broccoli or Cabbage, Salad, Fruit English: The flavor of this dish is punctuated by fresh ginger root. In Cambodia ginger is considered to be a vegetable, rather than a spice or an aromatic. Here it is … Read More

Cultural Dance—Shining Night Dancing

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Every Monday, 6:00-8:00pm - seating is limited, reservations required - contact Charles at, or call him at 206-909-0346 You must be fully vaccinated, including at least one booster shot, and you must show proof of your vaccination.