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Cultural Dance—Shining Night Dancing

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Every Monday, 6:00-8:00pm - seating is limited, reservations required - contact Charles at, or call him at 206-909-0346 You must be fully vaccinated, including at least one booster shot, and you must show proof of your vaccination.

Dinner: Salpicão e Batata Palha

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight’s Dinner: Salpicão e Batata Palha Country of origin - Brazil Chicken Salad with Crisp Potato Mixed Vegetable Greens Fruit Ensalada de Pollo con Papas Crujientes Mezcla de vegetales Verduras Fruta Salad gà với khoai tây giòn Rau trộn rau … Read More

Dinner: Chicken with Bamboo

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight’s Dinner: Chicken with Bamboo Country of origin - Vietnam Chicken with Bamboo Cabbage Salad Fruit Sopa de Pollo con Arroz y Bambú Repollo Ensalada Fruta Gà và Măng Bắp cải Xa lát Hoa quả ស៊ុបមាន់ជាមួយបាយ និងឫស្សី ស្ពៃក្តោប សាឡាត់ ផ្លែឈើ … Read More

Cultural Dance—Shining Night Dancing

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Every Monday, 6:00-8:00pm - seating is limited, reservations required - contact Charles at, or call him at 206-909-0346 You must be fully vaccinated, including at least one booster shot, and you must show proof of your vaccination.

Dinner: Pork Salad

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight’s Dinner: Pork Salad Country of origin - USA Warm Pork Salad with Crostini Mixed Vegetables Salad Fruit Ensalada de cerdo con crostini Verduras mixtas Ensalada Fruta Salad thịt heo ấm với Crostini Rau trộn Xa lát Hoa quả Salad … Read More

Dinner: Pork Banh Mi

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight’s Dinner: Pork Banh Mi Country of origin - Vietnam Vietnamese Pork Sandwich Mixed Pickled Vegetables Salad Fruit Sándwich de cerdo vietnamita Vegetales Mixtos en Escabeche Ensalada Fruta Bánh mì thịt heo Việt Nam Rau củ ngâm chua Xa lát … Read More

Pride Week

LGBT pride (also known as gay pride or simply pride) is the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people as a social group. Pride, as opposed to shame and social … Read More