Cultural Dance—Shining Night Dancing
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesEvery Monday, 6:00-8:00pm - seating is limited, reservations required - contact Charles at, or call him at 206-909-0346 You must be fully vaccinated, including at least one booster shot, and you must show proof of your vaccination.
Social Services Community Connection
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesMeet with Janette to explore what social services and resources are available. ¡Se habla Español! Tuesdays, 8:30am-4:30pm, ongoing - drop by, or contact Janette to secure an appointment: or 206-948-7378.
Dinner: Summer Pulled Pork
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight’s Dinner: Summer Pulled Pork Country of origin - Southern USA Pulled Pork with Rolls Sweet Potato, Salad, Fruit Cerdo desmenuzado con rollos Papa, Ensalada, Fruta Thịt Heo kéo với Cuốn Khoai lang, Xa lát, Hoa quả សាច់ជ្រូករមូល ជាមួយ ដំឡូងផ្អែម, សាឡាត់, ផ្លែឈើ Seating is limited, reservations required – contact Charles … Read More
Dinner: Tortilla Basket
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight’s Dinner: Tortilla Basket Country of origin - Mexico Beef & Egg Tortilla with Cheese Grilled Vegetables Salad Fruit Tortilla de Carne y Huevo con Queso Vegetales asados Ensalada Fruta Bánh Tortilla Bò Trứng Phô Mai rau củ nướng Xa … Read More
Dinner: Cha Kroeung Sach Moan
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight’s Dinner: Cha Kroeung Sach Moan Country of origin - Cambodia Lemongrass Chicken Stir Fry Green Vegetables Salad Fruit Salteado de pollo con limoncillo Vegetales verdes Ensalada Fruta Gà Xào Sả Rau xanh Xa lát Hoa quả ស្លឹកគ្រៃ មាន់ដុត បន្លែបៃតង … Read More
Cultural Dance—Shining Night Dancing
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesEvery Monday, 6:00-8:00pm - seating is limited, reservations required - contact Charles at, or call him at 206-909-0346 You must be fully vaccinated, including at least one booster shot, and you must show proof of your vaccination.
Social Services Community Connection
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesMeet with Janette to explore what social services and resources are available. ¡Se habla Español! Tuesdays, 8:30am-4:30pm, ongoing - drop by, or contact Janette to secure an appointment: or 206-948-7378.
Dinner: Chicken Gumbo
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight’s Dinner: Chicken Gumbo Country of origin - West Africa Chicken Gumbo with Rice Roasted Vegetables Salad Fruit Puchero de Pollo con Arroz Verduras asadas Ensalada Fruta Gà Gumbo với cơm rau củ nướng Xa lát Hoa quả មាន់ Gumbo … Read More
Dinner: Pork Banh Bao
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight’s Dinner: Pork Banh Bao Country of origin - China Steamed Pork Buns Mixed Vegetables Salad Fruit Bollos de Cerdo al Vapor Verduras mixtas Ensalada Fruta Bánh bao hấp Rau trộn Xa lát Hoa quả បាយសាច់ជ្រូកចំហុយ បន្លែចម្រុះ សាឡាត់ ផ្លែឈើ Seating … Read More
Dinner: Kabab Halla
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight’s Dinner: Kabab Halla Country of origin - Egypt Egyptian Braised Beef on Rice Green Vegetables Salad Fruit Ternera Egipcia Estofada sobre Arroz Vegetales verdes Ensalada Fruta Cơm thịt bò kho kiểu Ai Cập Rau xanh Xa lát Hoa quả … Read More