Dinner: Beef Wellington
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight's Dinner: Beef Wellington Beef Pastry Roll Vegetables & Turnip Puree Salad, Fruit English: The Beef Wellington’s origins are obscure, at best. The dish became popular in North America in the mid-20th century with the first recipe showing up in Gourmet … Read More
Dinner: Bún bò Huế
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight's Dinner: Bún bò Huế Spicy Beef Noodle Soup Banana Flower & Vegetables Salad, Fruit English: Bun Bo Hue is a spicy Vietnamese soup noodle dish from the central Hue region of Vietnam. Khmer: Bun Bo Hue គឺជាមុខម្ហូបមីស៊ុបវៀតណាមដែលមានរសជាតិហឹរមកពីតំបន់ Hue ភាគកណ្តាលនៃប្រទេសវៀតណាម។ Spanish: … Read More
Dinner: Stifado and Skordalia
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight's Dinner: Stifado and Skordalia Greek Beef Stew with Potato Puree Vegetables, Salad, Fruit English: Stifado is a greek style beef stew. Skordalia is more than mashed potatoes; its garlic and lemon flavor consistency can change to make a sauce to a … Read More
Cultural Dance—Shining Night Dancing
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesEvery Monday, 6:00-8:00pm - seating is limited, reservations required - contact Charles at charles@spseniors.org, or call him at 206-909-0346 You must be fully vaccinated, including at least one booster shot, and you must show proof of your vaccination.
Social Services Community Connection
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesMeet with Janette to explore what social services and resources are available. ¡Se habla Español! Tuesdays, 8:30am-4:30pm, ongoing - drop by, or contact Janette to secure an appointment: Janette@spseniors.org or 206-948-7378.
Dinner: Salsiccia e Cime de Rapa
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight's Dinner: Salsiccia e Cime de Rapa Sausage and Rabe with Pasta Vegetables, Salad, Fruit English: The Italians name their pasta for what it looks like: farfalle is named for the butterflies it looks like and orecchiette means "little ears", which … Read More
Dinner: Bánh Đúc Mặn Khoai Môn
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight's Dinner: Bánh Đúc Mặn Khoai Môn Taro Cake with Pork Carrots, Mushroom & Radish Salad, Fruit English: It is the perfect combination of many ingredients, bringing in the fullness of the five harmonious flavors. Contributing to making hot cakes more … Read More
Dinner: Bai Mon
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesTonight’s Dinner: Bai Mon Country of origin - Cambodia Steamed Chicken Carrots & Green Vegetables on Rice Salad, Fruit, Pollo al vapor Arroz con zanahorias y vegetales verdes Ensalada, Fruta Thịt gà hấp Cơm Cà Rốt & Rau Xanh Salad, Hoa quả, សាច់មាន់ចំហុយ ការ៉ុត … Read More
Cultural Dance—Shining Night Dancing
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesEvery Monday, 6:00-8:00pm - seating is limited, reservations required - contact Charles at charles@spseniors.org, or call him at 206-909-0346 You must be fully vaccinated, including at least one booster shot, and you must show proof of your vaccination.
Social Services Community Connection
South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United StatesMeet with Janette to explore what social services and resources are available. ¡Se habla Español! Tuesdays, 8:30am-4:30pm, ongoing - drop by, or contact Janette to secure an appointment: Janette@spseniors.org or 206-948-7378.