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Cultural Dance—Shining Night Dancing

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Every Monday, 6:00-8:00pm - seating is limited, reservations required - contact Charles at, or call him at 206-909-0346 You must be fully vaccinated, including at least one booster shot, and you must show proof of your vaccination.

Dinner: Salsiccia e Cime de Rapa

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight's Dinner: Salsiccia e Cime de Rapa Sausage and Rabe with Pasta Vegetables, Salad, Fruit English: The Italians name their pasta for what it looks like: farfalle is named for the butterflies it looks like and orecchiette means "little ears", which … Read More

Dinner: Bánh Đúc Mặn Khoai Môn

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight's Dinner: Bánh Đúc Mặn Khoai Môn Taro Cake with Pork Carrots, Mushroom & Radish Salad, Fruit English: It is the perfect combination of many ingredients, bringing in the fullness of the five harmonious flavors. Contributing to making hot cakes more … Read More

Dinner: Bai Mon

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight’s Dinner: Bai Mon Country of origin - Cambodia Steamed Chicken Carrots & Green Vegetables on Rice Salad, Fruit,  Pollo al vapor Arroz con zanahorias y vegetales verdes Ensalada, Fruta Thịt gà hấp Cơm Cà Rốt & Rau Xanh Salad, Hoa quả,  សាច់មាន់ចំហុយ ការ៉ុត … Read More

Cultural Dance—Shining Night Dancing

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Every Monday, 6:00-8:00pm - seating is limited, reservations required - contact Charles at, or call him at 206-909-0346 You must be fully vaccinated, including at least one booster shot, and you must show proof of your vaccination.

Dinner: Beef Empanadas

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight’s Dinner: Beef Empanadas Country of origin - Spain Beef Stuffed Pastry with Rice & Beans, Mixed Vegetables, Salad, Fruit Hojaldre relleno de carne de res con arroz y frijoles Verduras mixtas, Ensalada, Fruta Bánh Thịt Bò Nhồi Cơm và Đậu Rau trộn, Xa lách, Hoa quả … Read More

Dinner: Fricassee de Poulet

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight’s Dinner: Fricassee de Poulet Country of origin - France Apple Brandy Braised Chicken Braised Vegetables with Quinoa, Salad, Fruit Pollo estofado de manzana y brandy Verduras estofadas con quinua, Ensalada, Fruta Gà kho rượu táo Rau om với Quinoa, Xa lách, Hoa quả មាន់ប្រនឌី ដុតផ្លែប៉ោម បន្លែដុតនំជាមួយគ្រាប់ … Read More

Dinner: Pork Mac and Cheese

South Park Neighborhood Center 8201 10th Ave S, #4, Seattle, WA, United States

Tonight’s Dinner: Pork Mac and Cheese Country of origin - USA Pork Macaroni and Cheese Green Vegetables, Salad, Fruit Macarrones con queso y cerdo Vegetales verdes, Ensalada, Fruta Macaroni thịt heo và phô mai Rau xanh, Xa lách, Hoa quả សាច់ជ្រូក Macaroni និងឈីស បន្លែបៃតង, សាឡាត់, ផ្លែឈើ Seating is limited, … Read More